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Dr. Endrizzi is dedicated to providing exceptional care to his patients to get them back to physical activity. A Deming native, Dr. Endrizzi is the Head Team Physician for New Mexico State University Athletics.
Matthew Endrizzi, MD
Dr. Abboud strives to treat every patient as a family member. He specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques with the objective of providing high-quality care and a rapid recovery.
Elia Charbel Abboud, MD, FACS, FASCRS
An experienced and highly skilled Board-certified Interventional Cardiologist, Dr. Altit serves as Memorial Medical Center’s Director of Structural Heart Disease.
Roi Altit, MD, FSCAI, FACC
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Even if your first colonoscopy is decades away, it’s important to know what to expect from this potentially lifesaving...
read moreSimple awareness habits and changes in lifestyle can greatly reduce your heart risk, and help you catch problems earlier when they do occur. This month,...
read moreMemorial Physician Practices has grown significantly in the past several years and continues to expand to meet the healthcare needs of our community and surrounding region.
Memorial Physician Practices clinics:
Memorial Physician Practices offers a variety of care options, including:
and many other specialty services.